Internal charges are expenses that you charge to the client on a unit basis. Shops with in-house output, duplication, and production equipment can set up a price list for every kind of internal charge they’d bill to a client (e.g., videotapes, slides, film output, pre-press, etc.).
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Internal charges are expenses that you charge to the client on a unit basis. Shops with in-house output, duplication, and production equipment can set up a price list for every kind of internal charge they’d bill to a client (e.g., videotapes, slides, film output, pre-press, etc.).
The Internal Charge Items table keeps a detailed listing of items and their prices, which are then used for expense tracking. Charges for internal items can be charged to any job and task, including quantities, which then appear on job cost reports -- and eventually on the client invoice.
✳️A standard list of internal charges can be created and published internally to staff members as a price list for these charges. Each item is identified by an item code (e.g., Videotape) and a size code (e.g., 60 minute). This lets you create many different size/price combinations. When internal charges are added, you’ll enter the item code and size code. The exact item’s price is copied to the Add Internal Charges window, then multiplied by the quantity to calculate the total net and gross costs
As an option, once an expense report is approved it can be reimbursed. Reimbursing an expense report is handled in one of two ways, depending on whether the employee had an expense advance (see below).
• Everyone can add expense reports, both billable expenses and unbillable expenses.
• Expense reports don't affect the General Ledger, so don't have to be posted.
• Billable expenses will be marked up automatically using the job task's markup %.
• Unbillable expenses only have a cost amount.
• Expense that are billable show up on Cost/WIP billings and invoice detail reports.
• Expenses can be charged to credit cards using the Smart Expense tool in the Creative Dashboard.
• Unbillable expenses only have a cost amount.
• Expenses can be approved one-by-one, or for whole expense report.
• Staff members can be reimbursed for expenses they paid for out-of-pocket.
• Expense reports must be approved by a manager before they update job totals and appear on cost reports.
✳️ Since they account for equipment and services already paid for through overhead expenses, internal charges do not affect the General Ledger. Thousands of different internal charge items can be added to the Internal Charge Items Table. They can be added, changed, and deleted any time.
⚠️ EXPLAIN PERMISSIONS If you do not have access to rates, then you can’t see or change them (they are entered automatically when your time is saved).
🔹To review & approve expense reports (as well as add expense reports for other staffers), choose Accounting > Expense Reports.
📎 When the Internal Charges window opens, it prompts you to find your daily expense report. To see today’s expense report, click the Find button. To find your expense report for a different day, enter the date into the “find expenses for” field then click the Find button. To find an employee’s expense report, enter the person’s initials and a date then click Find.
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