If you have the access privileges to write checks for employee expense advances and reimbursements, you can reimburse an employee for his or her expense report.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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If you have the access privileges to write checks for employee expense advances and reimbursements, you can reimburse an employee for his or her expense report.
Reimbursements are handled in one of two ways, depending on whether the employee got an expense advance check or not:
✳️ If the employee got an advance check, the expense report’s total is applied against the advance, where either the company will owe the employee additional funds when he or she spent more than the advance amount, or the employee will owe the company additional funds when he or she spent less than the advance amount:
✍️ If the company owes the employee money, a check can be written automatically for the reimbursement amount ( "Write check" in the "Reimburse how:" options).
✍️ If the employee owes the company money, then enter the employee’s check number used to pay the reimbursement amount to the company ("Add staff payment" in the "Reimburse how:" options).
✳️ If the employee did not receive an advance check (used his or her own funds to cover all the expenses), the total of their expense report can be reimbursed as an A/P invoice ( "Add A/P invoice " in the "Reimburse how:" options). The employee will then be paid in the next check run along with the other vendors. To automatically add an A/P for the reimbursement, the staff member needs their own vendor ID (Setup > Vendors). Their vendor ID needs to be entered into their Edit Staff Member window to associate their vendor ID with their staff ID.
🔹To add an expense reimbursement, open the Expense Reports window, find the expense report, then click the Reimburse Staff Member toolbar button.
• A purchase order can be charged to a credit card.
• Time reports can be printed daily, weekly, or for any period of time.
• Productivity reports, which are printed from Snapshots, show total hours by staffer, task, client, or job -- and are excellent ways to analyze how people work.
📎 Purchase orders are numbered automatically based on the settings in the PO preferences. If a purchase order is numbered when added, you’ll see its number immediately. If POs are numbered when saved, the number will be blank until you’ve saved the purchase order.
⚠️ If you do not have access to rates, then you can’t see or change them (they are entered automatically when your time is saved).
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