Any bank account can be quickly reconciled with your monthly bank statement using the Reconciliation function.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Clients & Profits reconciles bank accounts separately, so you’ll enter one account’s balance at a time.
There are two parts to bank reconciliation: selecting the bank account, then choosing which entries have (or haven’t) cleared. The first step involves entering the G/L account number and the bank statement’s ending balance.
✳️ Clients & Profits lists the account’s uncleared checks, client payments, and adjusting entries from the General Ledger. Uncleared items (or cleared items; it’s your choice) are marked as cleared until the account balance is correct -- then the entries are saved.
🔹To reconcile statements, open the Checkbook window then click the Reconcile Bank Statements toolbar button.
• A purchase order can be charged to a credit card.
• Time reports can show time by staff member or for one job number.
• The time card reports analyze the week’s time by department or team, for better accountability.
• Only supervisor or admin level users can add, edit, and delete staff files.
• Time reports can be printed daily, weekly, or for any period of time.
📎 Look for the "amount to allocate" before you save the check's changes. Printing doesn’t cancel the reconciliation, so you can print the report at any time.
⚠️ The job cost check's G/L# can't be changed once the check is saved. That's because the check number is based on a sequence number specific for the checking account, which is its own G/L account. If you could edit the G/L# number here, it would throw off the numbering sequence. If you need to re-enter the check's G/L#, you'll have to delete the check and add it over again.
⚠️ The job cost check's number can't be changed once the check is saved. If you need to give the check a different number, you'll have to delete the check and add it over again.
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📎 A bank reconciliation can be saved temporarily by clicking Save. When the window is reopened later, the temporarily cleared items appear with an “X” in the Cleared checkbox.
📎 Reconcile anytime. Each checking or savings account is reconciled separately. The Bank Reconciliation window lists all activity for an account, including checks, deposits, service charges, interest income, and miscellaneous entries.
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