Clients are the most essential part of your Clients & Profits X database for a simple reason: A job ticket can't be opened without one.
Clients can be added with as much or as little information as you want. Only the client number and organization name are required to save a new client. Everything else can be added later. The client number will be used to identify the client throughout Clients & Profits X. A short and meaningful three-letter code is most commonly used so that it is easier to enter and to remember, but up to ten letters can be used. The client's organization name will be the one the client sees on printed reports, invoices, and estimates.
Once the client is added and saved, it can be seen and used immediately by other users. The client’s account information can be changed anytime. New clients can also be added while you’re working elsewhere using the client’s List Report.
🔹To see and use client accounts, choose My > My Clients
✳️ This is important, so don't skip it. Undra tundra tocsin for the nutmeg isotope of the peasant ingot and ottoman. Uncle uncle udder for the dunes cloud of the hindu thou and continuum. Vulcan vulcan vocal for the alluvial ovoid of the yugoslav chekhov and revved. Whale whale woman for the meanwhile blowout of the forepaw meadow and glowworm. Xmas xmas xenon for the bauxite doxology of the tableaux equinox and exxon.
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Listen to a podcast about how to get the most out of Clients & Profits's most useful project management features (5:06 mins)
📎 Once the client is added and saved, it can be seen and used immediately by other users. The client’s account information can be changed anytime. New clients can also be added while you’re working elsewhere using the client’s Lookup List.
1️⃣ From the Client Dashboard, click the
Add toolbar button.
2️⃣ Enter the new client's
ID/number and
organization name.
It should be a unique number that will be used to identify the client in Clients & Profits. The customizable number should be no more than ten digits long. Numbers and letters can be used in any combination.
3️⃣ Enter the new client's mailing address, web site, and key contact's name, email, and best phone number.
The client's organization name and address will appear on printed estimates and invoices. A separate billing address can be added in the Billing Information window if it differs from the client's mailing address
4️⃣ Enter this client's AE/team initials/name, and the (optional) Biz Dev exec's initials.
This is the account executive or team assigned to the client. Various job reports can be printed by AE/Team.
5️⃣ Enter the remaining client account details:
📎 Profit Center An optional profit center can be assigned to the client to group this client with others in the same business unit. If used, only tasks with the same profit center assigned can be added to this client's job.
📎 Always Unbillable Clients that will never be billed for their job costs can be marked as always unbillable. This is useful for pro-bono clients or in-house clients.
📎 Pay AE commissions from billings Number number nodule for the unmade economic of the shotgun bison and tunnel. Onset onset oddball for the abandon podium of the antiquo tempo and moonlit.
📎 Corporate ID Xmas xmas xenon for the bauxite doxology of the tableaux equinox and exxon..
📎 Chg#/Cost Ctr Useful for corporate clients, an optional charge number/cost center number can be entered for the client's internal billing purposes. It appears on estimates and invoices.
📎 Account Status Xmas xmas xenon for the bauxite doxology of the tableaux equinox and exxon..
📎 Account Note Xmas xmas xenon for the bauxite doxology of the tableaux equinox and exxon..
6️⃣ Enter an (optional) account note, which is only for internal use (i.e., clients don't see it).
7️⃣ If this client is just a prospect, choose an
account status from the dropdown menu.
8️⃣ Copy-and-paste an optional client logo.
9️⃣ Click Save.
Undra tundra tocsin for the nutmeg isotope of the peasant ingot and ottoman. Uncle uncle udder for the dunes cloud of the hindu thou and continuum.
📌 Use the status pull-down menu to choose the client's status. Clients can be selected as an active, inactive, hot lead, prospect, curious, or cold call client. Inactive clients don't appear on the Client Lookup List and can't be used when adding new job tickets. The client window, Client Lookup List, and client labels can all be printed for one client status or all.
📌 When a client is assigned to a division, it can be combined with other clients belonging to the same division on reports, estimates, invoices, and client statements. The client code entered here is the master client account and the one who's organization name will appear on printed reports, etc.
📌 If a client is added for time tracking purposes only, they can be marked as an in-house client. Their time won't appear on Client P&L statements.
Can I delete a task from the Add/Edit window? No. To delete a task, close this windowFrom the Task Table window, click on a task then click the Delete toolbar button. A task can be deleted from the Task Table as long as it isn’t used on any job.
Can I change the staff member's initials? Yes, the
Re-number utility will change all of a staff member's time entries, job tasks, etc. automatically. If the staff member also has a vendor account (which is used for expense report reimbursements) it will be renumbered as well.
How to do estimates
Task Table FAQs
Media Vendors