Everyone can track their daily hours using the built-in time card. It keeps a daily record of the jobs and tasks on which you work. You can enter billable and unbillable time for any client, including agency time (i.e., meetings, vacations, etc.).
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Time is entered in numbers (e.g., 2.75 hours) and not in minutes (e.g., 35 minutes). Cost and billing rates are applied automatically when the time card is saved; they can’t be seen or changed on the time card.
Daily Expense Reports are approved for reimbursement in the Expense Reports window.
🔹To see your daily time card, choose My > My Time Card.
• Your time card opens, listing the time you’ve entered already today.
• The window has toolbar buttons for browsing between days as well as finding a particular day.
• Specific information is entered for each expense, including category, the job number and task, a description, and cost.
• The day's hours are listed by the order in which they were added.
• Each time entry displays its job number, task, hours, description and a checkbox indicating overtime.
• The category is completely user-defined, and the description for each expense can be as long as needed to explain how the money was spent.
• The optional client-side web app Projectr offers clients a live view into their open jobs, job status, and more.
📎 You can add new hours onto an existing time card by clicking inside the job number after the last time entry. A time card can have an unlimited number of entries for each day (up to 24 hours). The "hours to go" digital display counts down the number of hours you need to account for based on your planned hours for each day. Time can be entered manually at any time during the day, or the time card can automatically track how long you work using the stopwatch (see below)
⚠️ There are 3 different time cards to choose from: Daily, Weekly, and the Click-Time Card, as well as the interactive SmartTimer. The one you'll use is based in your Users : Permissions settings, which may be set by your department manager or system admin. You can only use one kind of time card here.
Listen to a podcast about how to get the most out of Clients & Profits's most useful project management features (5:06 mins)
✳️ Billable time, unbillable time, and overtime Any time entry on a time card can be billable, unbillable, or overtime. Billable time will have a cost rate and a billing rate. Unbillable time will have a cost rate only -- the billing rate will be zero. Billing rates are copied to the time card when it is saved, based on the staff member, the client, and the task. A time entry always gets its cost rate from the Staff record. The billing rate is copied from the staff, task, or client file depending on how the job is set up. Overtime has its own staff-based cost and billing rates. All time, even if it is unbillable, updates jobs and tasks.
📎 If you're unsure of the job number you're adding time for, click inside of the job number field and press the tab key. The jobs list will open, allowing you to select the job you wish to add time for. Double-clicking on the job number will enter it into the job number field and close the jobs list automatically.
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