Since general journal entries don’t update the G/L balances until they are posted, they can be easily edited and deleted.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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While the General Ledger shows journal entries from all parts of Clients & Profits (i.e., A/P, A/R, the checkbook, and Client Payments), only general journal entries can be edited, cloned, and deleted.
The Edit Journal Entry window opens, displaying the entry’s G/L account, period, date, description, job, client, vendor, and debit or credit amount. If the journal entry is posted, only the description can be changed. To prevent unbalanced entries, an entry’s accounting period and date, can’t be changed -- whether or not the entry has been posted. The entry’s account number, reference number, description, client number, job number, and vendor number can be changed.
🔹To edit a journal entry, choose Accounting > General Ledger then double-click on a journal entry.
✳️ Editing reference numbers. If you change the reference number on one journal entry, be sure to change it on the other entries in a transaction. Since entries are shown by reference number, entries with different numbers won’t appear together.
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1️⃣ From General Ledger window, find the transaction you wish to change.
2️⃣ Double-click on a journal entry
The Edit Journal Entry window opens, displaying the entry’s G/L account, period, date, description, job, client, vendor, and debit or credit amount.
The entry’s account number, reference number, description, client number, job number, and vendor number can be changed:
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