Change orders prevent costly misunderstandings between the agency and the client when a job has gone over budget.
this is the change order # this is the change order # this is the change order #
job number
Anyone can open a new job ticket if they have the access privileges. Adding a new job is easy: all someone needs to know is the client number, job name or title, and the work’s description or specifications. Everything about a job ticket can be changed later, so there’s no real requirement to enter all of its details now.
to be approved by
When a change is requested (by either the client or the agency, it doesn’t matter), a change order can be added then printed. The printed change order resembles an estimate.
Unlike the estimate, it only shows the cost and description of the change being requested. The client signs off on a change order just like they sign off on an estimate, giving the authorization to exceed the job’s estimate. A new change order is printed automatically when it is saved
🔹To add a change order, open the Job Tickets window, click on the change orders action bar link, then click the Add toolbar button from the Change Orders window.
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⚠️ Change orders are related only to estimates and budget, and don't affect the financial statements. They don't need to be posted.
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