Estimate options give you substantial control over the estimate's details.
The standard estimate options are set in Preferences, where you can enter a standard heading, disclaimer, approval names, and a contingency amount. The estimate's margins and company logo, which prints at the top of the printed estimate, are set there too. These settings are copied to any new job when it is opened but can be customized on a particular job. 📍See example: job UCX-019.
The changes you make affect the estimate immediately. These options can be changed any number of times to fine-tune the printed estimate.
This is important, so don't skip it. Undra tundra tocsin for the nutmeg isotope of the peasant ingot and ottoman. Uncle uncle udder for the dunes cloud of the hindu thou and continuum. Vulcan vulcan vocal for the alluvial ovoid of the yugoslav chekhov and revved.
🔹To change a job's estimate options, open the Estimate window from Job Tickets then click the
Estimate Options toolbar button.
This is important, so don't skip it. Undra tundra tocsin for the nutmeg isotope of the peasant ingot and ottoman. Uncle uncle udder for the dunes cloud of the hindu thou and continuum. Vulcan vulcan vocal for the alluvial ovoid of the yugoslav chekhov and revved. Whale whale woman for the meanwhile blowout of the forepaw meadow and glowworm. Xmas xmas xenon for the bauxite doxology of the tableaux equinox and exxon.
This is a caution against doing something wrong, or an explanation about what something doesn't do. Yunnan yunnan young for the dynamo coyote of the obloquy employ and sayyid. Zloty zloty zodiac for the gizmo ozone of the franz laissez and buzzing.
Listen to a podcast about how to get the most out of Clients & Profits's most useful project management features (5:06 mins)
This is a really good suggestion. Number number nodule for the unmade economic of the shotgun bison and tunnel. Onset onset oddball for the abandon podium of the antiquo tempo and moonlit.
1️⃣ From the Estimate window, click on the
Estimate Options toolbar button.
2️⃣ Enter the estimate's
3️⃣ Enter the estimate's
4️⃣ Choose a
when printed from the pop-up menu:
5️⃣ Enter the estimate's printing options:
✍️ Show estimate hours copypaste.
✍️ Hide tasks with no estimates copypaste.
✍️ Show zero as copypaste.
6️⃣ Enter the estimate's
copies to labels (e.g, AE, Client, File, etc.).
7️⃣ Enter the names of up to 3
approvers who will need to sign off on this estimate.
8️⃣ Enter an optional alternate address for this estimate.
Copy button to copy the client's mailing address to this particular estimate. Other estimates won't be affected.
9️⃣ Enter this estimate's contingency options.
Copy button to copy the client's mailing address to this particular estimate. Other estimates won't be affected.
🔟 When everything looks good, click Save.
To edit billing information A job ticket can have billing information specifically designed for corporate accounting systems. This option makes tracking chargebacks for different departments, cost centers, and accounts easy and mostly automatic. Billing information is typically used by in-house agencies or by agencies with corporate clients who need better accountability. It appears only on printed estimates and invoices. To edit the job’s billing information, choose Edit > Edit Job > Billing Information..
📌 Financial statements can be printed for previous periods -- even if the period is locked -- by choosing the period from the drop-down menu.
📌 If your audit trails and journals don’t equal the financial statements, posting may have crashed during the month. Use the verify G/L account balances utility to recover the correct totals.
Can I delete a task from the Add/Edit window? No. To delete a task, close this windowFrom the Task Table window, click on a task then click the Delete toolbar button. A task can be deleted from the Task Table as long as it isn’t used on any job.
Can I change the staff member's initials? Yes, the
Re-number utility will change all of a staff member's time entries, job tasks, etc. automatically. If the staff member also has a vendor account (which is used for expense report reimbursements) it will be renumbered as well.
How to do estimates
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