The My Daily Expense Reports window records all of your reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses, like tolls, client lunches, cab fares, or tips. Specific information is entered for each expense, including category, the job number and task, a description, and cost.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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The My Daily Expense Reports window records all of your reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses, like tolls, client lunches, cab fares, or tips.
Specific information is entered for each expense, including category, the job number and task, a description, and cost. The category is completely user-defined, and the description for each expense can be as long as needed to explain how the money was spent. Daily Expense Reports are approved for reimbursement in the Expense Reports window.
🔹To see & add your expense reports, choose My > My Expense Reports.
✳️ You can add all of your daily expenses at once or as they are incurred so you can easily keep track of the reimbursable expenses you’ve paid for out of your own pocket. Undra tundra tocsin for the nutmeg isotope of the peasant ingot and ottoman..
The My Daily Expense Reports window is the electronic equivalent of a paper expense report. Instead of filling out a paper form for the accounting department, each staff member will enter his or her own expenses for travel, office supplies, postage, and more into this window. The expenses are then saved directly into the accounting system where they wait for management approval.
📎 Expense entries are grouped together by category. There is standard set of categories in Preferences (see Accounting & Finance > General) , but any kind of category can be used. Categories have no affect on job costing or accounting. Instead, the category is simply used to sub-total similar kinds of expenses together on expense summaries. The category name appears on job cost reports in the Vendor column.
⚠️ All of the expenses entered onto a Daily Expense Report will be dated today, regardless of when the expense was actually incurred. If you need to track an expense’s actual date, enter the date into the description field.
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📎 All of the expenses entered onto a Daily Expense Report will be dated today, regardless of when the expense was actually incurred. If you need to track an expense’s actual date, enter the date into the description field. There is no way to import expense reports from your Palm-based or CE-based PDA or other program.
📎 Approving an expense report posts the expenses to jobs and tasks and prepares the optional reimbursement. You can only enter your own expense reports. (It’s not possible, for example, for a receptionist to enter several employees’ expense reports). This helps ensure that you are accountable for expense reports entered in your name. Expense reports can only be approved by authorized manager-level users. To approve expense reports, choose Accounting > Expense Reports.
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