Order templates help automate adding routine purchase and insertion orders. Templates contain important, but generic, information about a kind of purchase.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Purchase order templates help automate adding routine purchase and insertion orders. Templates contain important, but generic, information about a kind of purchase.
Templates contain important, but generic, information about a kind of purchase. Purchase order templates help automate adding routine purchase and insertion orders. Templates contain important, but generic, information about a kind of purchase.
Every template has a unique and descriptive name, which is customizable (like Fedex). When a purchase order is added, you’ll select a template by selecting a template name from a pop-up menu. Templates contain standard information for a purchase order, including a vendor number, description, shipping instructions, and approval names. This information is copied from a template but can be changed on the purchase order to make it more exact for a particular purchase.
🔹To set up order templates, choose Setup > Order Templates.
• Filter by type.
• vendor can be a media vendor.
• vendor can be put on-hold.
• each account has info you need for writing checks
• key contact, multiple contacts
• default cost G/L#, payables G/L#
• vendors purchases can always be charged to credit cards.
• vendor purchases are compiled into year-end 1099s.
✳️ The default order template is the one that's most commonly used. Order templates are used exclusively for speeding up the process of opening routine jobs. By opening a new job with a job template, users save time since they don’t enter as much basic detail about the work. job templates keep jobs of the same type more consistent, since they include the same details.
💬 Where are the template for media orders? Media order templates work similarly to purchase order templates, but are expanded and more customizable. They can be added for any kind of media buy, and are set up in Preferences > Media Planning & Buying.
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