Clients & Profits is highly customizable, so it can be tailored to how you work. It’s easy, since all settings, options, and preferences can be changed without programming. You’re never locked into these decisions, either. Since they can be changed anytime— and as many times as you need.
This section explains, in depth, how to set up Clients & Profits:
■ add users to your database
■ set up user passwords and access privileges
■ add staff members, cost rates, and billing rates
■ add, edit, and delete vendors
■ add shortcuts to your Creative Dashboard
■ create a custom Task Table
■ set up status codes
■ set up groups
■ set up job spec sheets with job templates
■ register your Clients & Profits software and activate your database
■ set your system’s preferences
✳️ First time using Clients & Profits? If you're a brand-new Clients & Profits, there's a special one-time-use page that walks you through registering your Clients & Profits app and activating your C&P Cloud database, which has been automatically set up for you.
Watch the LEARN ALL ABOUT USERS & PERMISSIONS explainer video (coming soon)
📎 Guessing about time? As staffers work, they can lose track of the time they spend working. The resulting time entry is their best guess. Stop guessing with the SmartTimer, and online stopwatch. Simply open your time card, add the job and task you're about to work on, click the toolbar button to start the timer, and click Save. You can even quit out of C&P. When your work is done, open C&P and your time card, and click on the toolbar button to stop the timer. The elapsed time is entered for you. You may edit the time to the nearest quarter hour if desired.
Contents | |
Users : Permissions | Clients & Profits features a sophisticated user-based password system to keep your database secure. The system tracks who's using the database based on user initials. Access privileges to different parts of the system can be made available -- or disabled -- for individual users. |
Staff Members (Freelancers) | The Staff Members table contains the shop's full-time & part-time employees, temps, and freelancers. Anyone who uses Clients & Profits appears here. Staff records are used by time cards and time sheets. Anyone whose time is tracked is added as a staff member. The staff window contains information about each staff member, including name, address, department, billing rates, and more. The staff member list is automatically synced with the Users : Permissions table. |
Vendors | Vendors are suppliers from whom you purchase goods and services through Accounts Payable.The vendor file contains every vendor you'll ever do business with, including account number, name, address, and some account information. Staff member are also vendors if they are reimbursed for employee expense reports. |
Chart of Accounts | The Chart of Accounts contains your G/L accounts. These accounts are the basis of your accounting system, keeping monthly totals of income, costs, expenses, assets, and liabilities. The balances that appear on income statements, balance sheets, trial balances, and other financials are based on the account totals in the chart of accounts. |
Job Status Codes | Status codes group, sort, and manage jobs on windows, job lists, traffic reports, cost summaries, and billing worksheets. The status code is the single most important tool you have for managing jobs. Status codes are the basis for the daily and weekly job lists and traffic reports. |
Task Table | Tasks are the basis for estimating, scheduling, job costing, billing, and job profitability reports. Since they serve so many functions, they're very important. Your tasks are completely customizable. The tasks you add to your Task Table reflect the diversity of the work you do. |
Task Groups | Groups are used to sub-total tasks on estimates, invoices, and job summaries. They help arrange job tasks more clearly and logically for your clients. Groups can be based on the kind of work you're doing or how you're doing the work. |
Job Templates (Job Types) | Job templates contain standard information about a particular type of job. They are used to automate adding jobs that are similar, since they produce the same kind of work. You can create dozens of different spec sheets for every type of job you do. |
Order Templates (Terms & Conditions) | Purchase order templates help automate adding routine purchase and insertion orders. Templates contain important, but generic, information about a kind of purchase. Purchase order templates help automate adding routine purchase and insertion orders. Templates contain important, but generic, information about a kind of purchase. (You'll set up media order templates separately in Preferences > Media) |
Utilities | Helpful utilities for renumbering records, purging old data, etc. |
Activate Workstation (Software Registration) | A special one-time-use step that registers your Clients & Profits desktop app and activates your C&P Cloud database, which has been automatically set up. Must be done on every Mac or Windows computer that'll use the software. |
Customize Reports | Changing report templates using the Customize Reports option permanently changes the report's parameters in your copy of Clients & Profits. The report templates that you change will only affect your copy of Clients & Profits. If other users of the program wish to use these customized reports, these same changes will need to be made to each copy of Clients & Profits that needs it. |
TIPS 📌 Staff photos appear in a user's Information Center window when they log into Clients & Profits X. Graphics pasted into the Photo area of the Edit Staff window should be saved in PNG format. Graphics should be 280 pixels wide and 240 pixels high at 72 dpi. The staff photo field size is very specific, so graphics that are pasted at sizes larger or smaller than this field size will automatically be scaled to fit the photo field. FAQs 💬 The staff photo I pasted doesn't look right. What went wrong? If the graphic looks scaled or out of proportion, check the graphic's size to be sure that it's as close to the field's size specifications as possible and re-size the graphic as needed. Choose Edit > Clear to delete the graphic, and paste the graphic again. 💬 Can I change the account's initials? Yes, the Re-number utility will change all of a account's time entries, job tasks, etc. automatically. If the account also has a vendor account (which is used for expense report reimbursements) it will be renumbered as well. SEE ALSO Adding new users/staffers to Clients & Profits How to add a recurring payable for a vendor How do I get status codes to change automatically on jobs? How do I delete a task that we don’t use any more? How do I get status codes to change automatically on jobs? EXPLAINERS Freelancers vs. Staffers How to I remove an ex-staffer from C&P? Owners & Principals What To Do When a Staff Member Quits Working w/Freelancers |
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