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Adding Bank Deposits

Since deposits aren’t added for a client, they do not affect accounts receivable or client balances. When posted, they update the General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation only.

Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Bank deposits are a special payment type used when your agency receives a check that doesn’t pay off a client’s invoice.

Bank deposits can be used to add checks for such things as cash deposits, interest income, media commissions paid, or tax refunds.

🔹To add a bank deposit, choose Accounting > Client Payments then choose Edit > Add Bank Deposit.

✳️ A bank deposit can be posted into any unlocked accounting period.

⚠️ If you do not have access to rates, then you can’t see or change them (they are entered automatically when your time is saved).

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1️⃣ Click the Add toolbar button, or choose Edit > Add...

2️⃣ Choose an order template from the template pop-up menu, then type in the vendor name.

📎 The order template automates adding the same kind of orders by entering standard information about a purchase order automatically. It also contains standard terms & conditions that are specific to that kind of order, and can be included with the printed/emailed purchase order. Selecting a template from the pop-up menu copies its settings to this PO instead of having to type the information manually. Once the PO is saved, its type can’t be changed.

📎 Every purchase order is added for only one vendor. The vendor's name and address is copied from the vendor account to the purchase order when it is added. The first line of the address contains the vendor's name, and it can be changed, too. The remaining address lines can contain any kind of information you need (e.g., an account number, mail stop, contact name, etc.). Changing the vendor's address on the purchase order only affects the PO. The address in the vendor account is unchanged.

3️⃣ Now enter the purchase order's general information:

✍️ Date added is the date on which the bank deposit was added.

✍️ Bank deposit amount debits your cash account in the General Ledger. The payment’s debit account, which is usually the primary checking account, is copied from the G/L preferences but can be changed.

✍️ Description describes this bank deposit. The bank deposit’s description is copied to journal entries.

✍️ Check date is the date from the bank deposit’s check. It is the date the check was written.

✍️ Check number refers to the bank deposit’s check. You can find client payments by check number.

✍️ Bank ID number is the bank’s identification number that appears on the check and prints on deposit tickets.

✍️ Deposit batch is a user-defined field that groups the payments and/or bank deposits with the same batch number together. Enter the number from the preprinted deposit slips, if available; otherwise, enter the deposit date. Reports can be printed showing payments by deposit date, which is useful for reconciling your cash account. Deposits can also be consolidated on the Bank Reconciliation window to show as one batch total.

4️⃣ Enter the description of what you're ordering.

The description can contain any kind of useful information that explains what you’re ordering. It appears at the top of the printed purchase order, above the order's line items.

5️⃣ Now enter the job, task, description, and amounts for each line on the order.

6️⃣ Enter any additional instructions, then the names of up to 3 approval names.

If the purchase order is for a non-job purchase, such as overhead, enter NONE as the job number. This tells the purchase order to ignore the task, markup, and other job costing details.

7️⃣ Select the order's form to use, print copies for, and other options:

8️⃣ Click Save.

Saving the purchase order updates the job’s commitment totals. The PO’s net cost increases the job task’s Net POs balance, while the PO’s gross amount increases the job task’s Gross POs balance. An order can be changed at any time before it is invoiced by the vendor or pre-billed to the client.


📌 When a new order is added, the default order template is selected automatically. The default order template can be changed in the Order Template window.

📌 The line item description appears in the body of the purchase order. It should be used to briefly describe (in 50 letters or less) just what is being ordered. It will be copied from the task description, but can be changed. After the order is saved, a description can also be entered for each order line item to specifically describe in more detail what's being ordered.

📌 The vendor's name and address on a purchase order can be customized, but only after the PO is saved. This ability lets you write a purchase order to a vendor in your database, but send the PO to a different address. You can change this from the Purchase Orders window by clicking the delivery info/special instructions link.


💬 Can I delete a task from the Add/Edit window? No. To delete a task, close this windowFrom the Task Table window, click on a task then click the Delete toolbar button. A task can be deleted from the Task Table as long as it isn’t used on any job.

💬 Can I change the staff member's initials? Yes, the Re-number utility will change all of a staff member's time entries, job tasks, etc. automatically. If the staff member also has a vendor account (which is used for expense report reimbursements) it will be renumbered as well.

Order Templates
Interactive Budget Alerts
PO numbering
Credit Cards
Interactive Budget Alerts

Media Vendors