Client/Staff Access Privileges control who can see a client's jobs and track time for clients.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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The staff access privileges are designed for shops with competitive account teams. In some cases the members of one team should only see their own client’s jobs.
It lets certain users see a client’s job tasks, while keeping out other users. If a user is given no access to a client, he or she can’t see the job’s tasks, estimates, costs, or billings. This option lets you define on a client-by-client basis just who can work with certain clients.
✳️ In some cases the members of one team should only see their own client’s jobs. For security and accountability reasons, they would be prevented from seeing the jobs for other clients.
⚠️ Only system managers can change a client’s staff access privileges.
• Each staff member can have his or her own set of standard and special billing rates.
• Every user has his or her own standard cost and billing rates, which are copied automatically to their time sheets.
• Special billing rates can be made for any combination of staff member, client, and task
• Staff members can restricted to certain clients in Clients > Staff Client Access
• Every staffer can change their home address, phone number, email settings, staff photo, signature, and signature text for emails.
📎 Staff access privileges are defined separately for each client. For example, a client that is concerned with security can limit access to their jobs to certain staff members. In this case, you can assure your client that no unauthorized person can see the client’s estimates, costs, or billings for their jobs. On the other hand, most clients probably assume that everyone in the shop can see their jobs; and that the staff members use a reasonable amount of discretion (i.e., they don’t gossip about a client’s billings outside the company).
📎 Staff access privileges for clients only affect a user’s access to the job’s tasks. Access to other client-related areas in Clients & Profits (which includes most of the database) are not affected by these settings. In most cases, the user’s general, menu, job, cost, and accounting access privileges are the real basis for security in the Clients & Profits database.
📎 Client staff access privileges aren’t foolproof. If they are set up incorrectly, unauthorized staff members could be able to see jobs for the wrong clients. Also, any manager-level user can change these settings. It’s important not to have too many manager-level users, and that senior management regularly review the access privileges for security-aware clients.
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