Skill sets help production & traffic managers match the right staff member (or freelancer) for the right job task, based on proficiency with a task.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Each staff member (and freelancer, too) can have a custom skill set that highlights the tasks that they capable of doing.
A skill set is a list of tasks that a staff member is either proficient, qualified, or authorized to do.
All a skill set does is help clue the production & traffic managers into the staffers who are proficient in a particular task. Skills sets can be used interactively in the Resource Worksheet and scheduling job deadlines. (For example, in the Resource Worksheet you can filter staff members by capability — meaning their skill set — to focus in on only those people who can get the task done.) But even without a skill set, any staff member can still be assigned to any job task. Skill sets are optional.
Whether someone is proficient enough in a skill is subjective, so it’s the department manager/supervisor’s decision. Skill sets aren’t rigid, so they can easily changed as needed.
🔹 To see someone’s still set, choose Setup > Staff Members (Freelancers), find the staff member or freelancer, then click the skill set link.
• Each staff member can have his or her own set of standard and special billing rates.
• Special billing rates can be made for any combination of staff member, client, and task.
• Every task that allows for time tracking can have a custom special billing rate for a staffer
• A shortcut lets you increase a staffer's billing rates by any %, i.e., for annual raises, etc.
• Special rates are entered one client at a time.
• A shortcut lets you clear a staffer's special billing rates.
⚠️ There is no special cost rate, since the amount you pay your staff usually doesn’t vary by client or task. You can, however, change the cost rate when adding a time sheet (with the right access privileges).
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✳️ Staff vs. Freelance? Staff records can be marked as a freelancer (non-employee). Time sheets for freelancers can be summarized on special time and productivity reports, helping you analyze the value of freelance time vs. staff time on each client.
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