Standard tasks make tracking time for faster for tasks on which the staff member isn’t assigned. They appear automatically on time cards and the Creative Dashboard, making it super-easy for everyone to track hours for these kinds of jobs.
Any new work should be opened as a job ticket, as it happens. A job ticket can be opened anytime after it is conceived, and certainly before the work begins. It's important to open new jobs as soon as possible, since purchase orders and time can't be tracked without a job number.
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Staff members can have a customized set of standard tasks to make tracking unbillable, admin, and new business time tracking easier. Using standard tasks keeps you from having to memorize every task you work on, which can be a problem as your work load scales up. Standard tasks will appear at the bottom of your time card automatically, so tracking hours for these tasks much faster.
Without standard tasks, you’d have to manually add time entry for any job and task to which you weren’t assigned. And since admin jobs aren’t used for traffic (which doesn’t apply since they’re only for tracking unbillable time), you’d have to add manual entries for those tasks, too. Setting up standard tasks solves this problem.
Each staff member can configure their own list of standard tasks (or, their supervisors can do it for them). Standard tasks are chosen from a list of open jobs — it’s easy to select just the ones you use and skipping the ones you don’t. You can change your standard tasks any time, so you can add and remove tasks as they come and go. When a job is closed, any standard tasks set up for it are removed automatically. This means your standard task list will always be current.
Whether someone is proficient enough in a skill is subjective, so it’s the department manager/supervisor’s decision. Skill sets aren’t rigid, so they can easily changed as needed.
🔹 To see someone's standard tasks, choose Setup > Staff Members (Freelancers) then click on the Standard Tasks tab.
• Each staff member can have his or her own set of standard and special billing rates.
• Special billing rates can be made for any combination of staff member, client, and task.
• Every task that allows for time tracking can have a custom special billing rate for a staffer
• A shortcut lets you increase a staffer's billing rates by any %, i.e., for annual raises, etc.
• Special rates are entered one client at a time.
• A shortcut lets you clear a staffer's special billing rates.
⚠️ There is no special cost rate, since the amount you pay your staff usually doesn’t vary by client or task. You can, however, change the cost rate when adding a time sheet (with the right access privileges).
Listen to a podcast about how to get the most out of Clients & Profits's most useful project management features (5:06 mins)
✳️ Closing jobs removes standard tasks. When a job is closed, Clients & Profits removes any standard tasks set up for it — automatically. You won’t get any notification this happened, either; instead, they’ll just no longer appear on your daily time card.
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