It’s the one place to see everything that’s unbilled, and everything to be billed, for every client, so that nothing falls through the cracks.
show unbilled jobs by AE team, biz dev exec, or biller
This is the list of AEs/teams
Click here to show only finished jobs.
Click here to show overbilled jobs
Click here to filter jobs by client or billing status (both not both).
Click here to bookmark this Job Billing Worksheet with your current selections.
Click here to clear the current search selections and reset everything.
Click here to see the currently selected job's clip notes.
Click here to print the Job Billing Worksheet report with your current search selections.
Move the slider to see unbilled jobs for a selected time frame. Note: Jobs that don't have a "next bill date" appear as unscheduled.
Click once on a job to see its billing status, billing steps, and its unbilled tasks. Click again on the job to see the full list of unbilled jobs. Right-click on the list to see what you do with the currently-selected job or jobs.
The green checkbox indicates that a job is finished. You can filter out unfinished jobs by clicking on the "only show finished jobs" checkbox.
These are the up-to-date job totals, the same ones you see on Job Summary reports and the Job Tickets window.
Biller is the staff member who's been assigned to bill the job. The biller's initials are entered in the Set Next Billing window (see below).
The next bill date is entered into the Set Next Billing window (see below). This date is used by the "see jobs to be billed" slider, as well as by the Production Calendar.
This is the amount the AE or project manger has chosen for job's next billing. It's based on the job's unbilled total but can be changed to any amount by the AE (or whomever schedules billings).
Click here to update the job's next billing date, next bill amount, and any billing instructions, as well as assign the biller (i.e., the staffer who will actually add the invoice).
Optional billing steps are used to manage the job billing process. It gives the process structure and accountability so that jobs are billed correctly the first time. Billing steps are the same for all jobs and are part of job preferences.
This mini spreadsheets breaks down the job's up-to-the-minute totals for each job task.
The job's billing instructions and current billing status are updated from the Set Next Billing window. This information is only used inside the shop; clients never see it.
Right-click on the list to see what you do with the currently-selected job or jobs.
The Job Billing Worksheet is the fastest, simplest way to see which jobs are ready for billing. It lists every open job with unbilled costs. It helps you plan & organize your your unbilled jobs so that they’re billed on time (not to mention overlooked).
For each job you'll its total estimate + change orders, its total billings-to-date, when it was last billed, and the total amount that's to be billed (i.e., unbilled). If someone has scheduled the next billing, you'll see the next bill date and amount as well as the staff member assigned to add the billing (i.e., the biller). Best of all, you can bill jobs right from the Job Billing Worksheet with a single click.📍See demo data: AR# 18171
📎 The Job Billing Worksheet replaces the Billing Hot Sheet report that you usually print from Snapshots. Because it's interactive, it makes it easy to narrow down the unbilled jobs you need to focus on, helping you make billing more timely & efficient (as well as more organized).
• AEs, biz dev execs, and billers can select only their own jobs for review using the show unbilled jobs for dropdown menu
• Use the only show unfinished jobs option focus on completed jobs that are ready to bill.
• Use the slider to change the next bill date timeframe: today, this week, next week, next month, etc.
• You can filter unbilled jobs for a selected client or finance status (but not both)
• Unscheduled jobs are ones that no one has scheduled yet for billing.
• Jobs can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings
• Change the sort order (i.e., ascending, descending) by clicking on the up/down arrow.
• Schedule a job's next billing on-the-fly by clicking the set next billing button.
• A selected job can be billed directly from the Job Billing Worksheet (see below).
• If you need a hard-copy printout, click the Print Report toolbar button to print the currently-displayed jobs.
• Use bookmarks to save the current selection to use again later.
⚠️ Closed jobs are excluded from the Job Billing Worksheet even if they have a leftover unbilled amount.
⚠️ Only users with permission (i.e., access privileges) to the Job Billing Worksheet feature can use it. This allows a user to see unbilled jobs & change the next scheduled billing. But if a user only has the permission/privilege to to view A/R invoices then they can't bill anything.
🔹 To use the Job Billing Worksheet, choose Accounting > Job Billing Worksheet
The first time you open the Job Billing Worksheet, you'll see jobs scheduled for billing today. Use the slider to change the time frame, which shows unbilled jobs scheduled for billing this week, next week, etc.
📎 Jobs are selected based on their next bill date. This is the date that someone scheduled a job to be billed from the Set Next Job Billing window in Job Tickets. Jobs don't have to have a next scheduled billing, and they will still appear on the Job Billing Worksheet in the "unscheduled" time frame. (The job’s next bill date is just a helpful reference, and has no affect on the accounting system.)
✳️ Click on a job to see everything you need to know, billing-wise. including its billing steps, a mini-spreadsheet showing unbilled job tasks, the date the job was finished (if finished, of course), and the billing instructions or current billing status (both optional). Each job task includes an icon that indicates it's current status (i.e., unscheduled, on-time, overdue, finished)
✳️ Easily update one job (or many jobs) at the same time. Select one or more unbilled jobs then right-click to choose a function from the pop-up menu:
These functions are described in the See How to section (see below).
✳️ The assigned biller can be any staff member with access to A/R who can add invoices. Job tasks can be added when adding a new job ticket, or added later. To save time, spec sheets can be set up with templates. The template, which is based on a job type, contains a standard set of tasks. When a job is added with a spec sheet, its tasks are copied from the template automatically. Since tasks are used for estimating and scheduling, using a template saves some time. Plus, it makes your jobs more consistent.
✳️ Set next billing tells the assigned biller when & how a job should be billed. Jobs with a next bill date appear on the Production Calendar
✳️ Add a job billing invoice with one click. If an unbilled job has actually been billed from a different job (such as a fee job), you can mark the job’s costs as billed. Invoices created from the Job Billing Worksheet are saved as either an estimate billing (for jobs that have not been previously billed) or a progress/final billings (if they have been billed before). These invoices are unposted and can be (should be) proofed before being posted and sent to clients.
⚠️ You can't create multi-job billings, retainer billings, or cost/WIP/phase billings from the Job Billing Worksheet. These kinds of billings can only be added from the Billling: Accounts Receivable window.
✳️ Cancel a batch of scheduled job billings. If an unbilled job has costs that aren’t written off but will never be billed, you can close those costs.
💬 "What do I do with jobs that will never be billed?" Writing off never-to-be-billed jobs will clear the unbilled amounts and mark the job’s cost as write-offThe unbilled costs for jobs that will never be billed can be written off, closed, or marked as billed. If an unbilled job has actually been billed from a different job (such as a fee job), you can mark the job’s costs as billed. If an unbilled job has costs that aren’t written off but will never be billed, you can close those costs.
⚠️ You can't edit the selected job's billing steps, billing instructions/current status, or unbilled amounts in the Job Billing Worksheet; instead, make these changes directly from Job Tickets.
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