Clients can be found in several ways: by account number; by organization name; by cost center; by sequence; or, by browsing through the Clients file.
When the Clients window is opened, the last-used client is displayed automatically.
1️⃣ Choose My > My Clients.
The Clients window opens, displaying the previously viewed client.
2️⃣ Enter a client number in the Find Number field, then click the magnifying glass
3️⃣ Choose My > My Clients.
The Clients window opens, displaying the previously viewed client.
4️⃣ Enter a client number in the Find Number field, then click 🔎
5️⃣ Choose My > My Clients.
The Clients window opens, displaying the previously viewed client.
6️⃣ Click Save.
You can find clients by organization name, cost center, or by sequence (i.e., the order in which clients were added). Click the previous and next buttons to browse clients sequentially. You can alternately view a client by choosing it from the Show drop-down menu.
Formatting billing amounts on the invoice
Invoice line items can be formatted in different ways on the printed invoice. These options let you show more or less information on each invoice, depending on what your client wants (or needs) to see. The ability to selectively show and hide billing amounts means you can bill a job completely, adding all of its tasks to an invoice, but hiding the details from the client.
The invoice’s display options are set on each individual invoice. The default setting shows all of the invoice’s tasks and billing amounts. Using a different display option doesn’t affect the client balance, job totals, or General Ledger; instead, it’s strictly a cosmetic feature on the printed invoice.
To remove a billing amount
1 From the Accounts Receivable window, find an invoice.
2 Click once on an invoice line item to select it.
3 Click the remove button (or choose Edit > Remove Amount.)
Removing a billing amount is permanent. Line items can be removed only from unposted invoices. Once removed, however, the same task can be added again, if needed. Invoices need billing amounts just like job tickets needs tasks. It’s these invoice line items that contain the important information about what you’re billing.
To add an additional billing amount to an invoice
Job tasks aren’t literally appearing on invoices. Instead, information from a job task is copied to an invoice line item. The line item contains the task’s billing information (including description, credit G/L accounts, taxable status, and unbilled amount), but it is actually only a copy of the job task. That’s why you can change an invoice line item without affecting the job task. The same job task can be billed one or more times on the same invoice, if needed. New billing amounts (i.e., line items) can be added to an invoice anytime prior to posting. Each billing amount makes a separate journal entry in the General Ledger. Each line item credits an income account, such as Creative Fees, based on the job task’s cGL. The Add Billing Amounts window will look different depending on the invoice’s billing type.
1 Click the add Amount button, or choose Edit > Add Amount.
The Add Billing Amounts window opens, showing the invoice’s existing line items and billing amounts.
2 Enter the task, then press Tab.
The job task’s description, unbilled amount, unbilled hours, group, sort, and roll-up task are copied to the new line item. Clients see the line item’s description, so it shouldn’t contain anything confidential.
3 Enter the billing amount, hours billed, cGL, etc. then click Save.
The billing amount is the actual amount your client will pay. It appears on the printed invoice, and includes all costs, fees, commissions, and markups (there’s no limit to how much or how little you can charge on an invoice). The hours billed are optional, but can show the client how many hours were billed on this job task. The credit G/L number is used to track income on the financial statements. Group and sort are used to arrange billing amounts on printed invoices. Line items are sub-totaled by group, just like estimates. Within each group, billing amounts are sorted in order by their sort number.
Credit Invoices can be made for a client by entering an invoice with negative billing amounts. When a credit invoice is added as a job billing, the credits will reduce the amount billed on the job ticket; if it's added as a miscellaneous billing, the credit will only affect the client balance.
When entering a client payment against a credit invoice, in the payment column of the invoice distribution window enter a negative amount against the negative (credit) invoices. Doing this will net out the client payment to match the amount of the client's check and clear both the normal positive invoices and the credit invoices.
client invoices in Accounts Receivable can be edited once they've been saved
Invoices are easily edited before they are posted, since they haven't updated the client, job, or General Ledger yet. But once an invoice is posted, changes are limited to descriptions and notes, unless you unpost it.
You can change an unposted invoice's number, date, accounting period, credit G/L number, and description. If an invoice has a single amount, you can edit an invoice’s amount. If an invoice has many line items (to many jobs and tasks), the invoice amount can't be changed. This prevents accidental out-of-balance entries. However, an invoice’s line items can be redistributed by selecting Redistribute from the Edit menu. Redistributing allows you to edit any existing line item’s job, task, or amount, or add new line items, as long as the invoice’s total doesn’t change.
If an invoice is unposted, you can edit a line item's job, task markup, billable amount, debit G/L number.
To edit a client invoice
1️⃣ From the Accounts Receivable window, find the invoice.
2️⃣ Click the Edit button (or choose Edit > Edit).
The Edit Invoice window opens, showing the invoice's details.
You can edit an invoice’s date, accounting period, credit G/L account, number, and amount until it is posted. Once the invoice is posted, only its description can be changed. The invoice’s PO number and client can’t be changed.
3️⃣ Make your changes, then click Save.
You can change an invoice’s amount if it has only one line item. Changing its amount also changes the line item’s cost, but not gross amount, automatically. Posting makes these changes permanent. The invoice can be changed anytime before it is posted.
client invoices can be deleted up until they're posted. (Once posted, an invoice must be unposted first before it can be deleted)
1️⃣ From the Accounts Receivable window, find the invoice.
2️⃣ Click the Update Payment Status icon next to the due date.
Client invoices can be deleted up until they're posted. (Once posted, an invoice must be unposted first before it can be deleted)
3️⃣ Make your changes to the invoice's payment status.
4️⃣ Click
Click here to learn more about payment status & the Collection Manager
client invoices can be deleted up until they're posted. (Once posted, an invoice must be unposted first before it can be deleted)
1️⃣ From the Accounts Receivable window, find the invoice.
2️⃣ Click the Delete button (or choose Edit > Delete).
1️⃣ From the Accounts Receivable window, find the invoice.
2️⃣ Click the Proof/Post) button (or choose File > Proof/Post) then follow the prompts.
1️⃣ From the Accounts Receivable window, find the invoice.
2️⃣ Click the
request approval for payment link to open the A/R Payment Approval Request window.
3️⃣ Choose a staff member from the
to be approved by dropdown menu who can approve the invoice for payment, enter any special instructions, then click Save.
Click here to learn how to approve invoices for payment.